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3 Person-Centered Therapy Techniques to Use

Clients in person centered therapy

Person-centered therapy is a therapeutic approach that prioritizes getting clients to discover personal solutions to their issues. This is in contrast to forms of therapy where the practitioner leads with possible solutions. Person-centered therapy is commonly used to tackle problems like depression, anxiety, and even substance abuse. It is a naturally-empowering method as it relies on clientsโ€™ intrinsic motivation and their ability to problem-solve and grow. There are a number of different person-centered therapy techniques that are contained within person-centered therapy. The best practitioners are able to adjust what techniques they deploy to the forefront based on a clientโ€™s needs.

Learn more about substance abuse treatment and how person-centered therapy can support recovery by calling 844.904.3485.

What Is Person-Centered Therapy?

Person-centered therapy is built on the belief that each person has it in them to grow, change, and reach their potential. They may need guidance, but they do not need scripted advice or predetermined solutions. Two key factors separate person-centered therapy from other types of therapy. First is that this treatment acknowledges that each client is unique. Second, practitioners using person-centered therapy avoid being directive in their approach.

Throughout each session, clients are encouraged to lead and do the majority of the talking. Thoughts, experiences, beliefs, and emotions are all valid content for discussion in a person-centered therapy session. The therapist is an expert in theories and methods of treatment. The client is an expert in themselves. These recognitions form the foundation of a team approach where the client and therapist work as equal partners in the healing process.

A few central concepts mark the application of person-centered therapy. These include unconditional positive regard, empathy, and congruence. Unconditional positive regard means the therapist must offer consistent support and positivity toward the client. Empathy is the concept of understanding the clientโ€™s emotions and where they are coming from. And congruence means the therapy is transparent about being an equal partner and not having all the answers.

3 Person-Centered Therapy Techniques

So what person-centered therapy techniques get used to delivering this method? Here are three common person-centered therapy techniques that guide the application of this approach to treatment.

1. Let the Client Lead

The therapist may be the clinical expert. However, person-centered therapy is all about letting the client lead each session as they are an expert in their experiences and hold the most salient solutions.

2. A Non-Judgmental Stance

Being non-judgmental is important, no matter the kind of therapy in question. It is absolutely essential in person-centered therapy because the client is supposed to be leading the discussion. Any hint of judgment from a therapist will likely shut down the clientโ€™s ability to engage and process.

3. Accept Negative Emotions

The person-centered therapy approach may feel awkward for clients, particularly if they have never experienced it before. Some clients desire advice, solutions, and recommendations from a therapist. Not getting that may prompt anger, confusion, annoyance, or disappointment from clients early in the process. Accepting these and letting the client process negative emotions is critical to making progress.

Find Healing with Person-Centered Therapy at Serenity Grove

Person-centered therapy may not be the best approach for everyone. Yet when the client and therapist can form an effective duo, the person-centered method can be incredibly effective. A few of the biggest benefits of person-centered therapy include the following:

  • Strengthened trust in the self and others
  • Deeper self-awareness
  • Reduced insecurity
  • Boosted self-esteem
  • Healthy self-reliance

You can experience all these benefits and more when you engage with person-centered therapy at Serenity Grove. Call us at 844.904.3485 or use our online form today to access high-quality person-centered therapy near you today. Our team is dedicated to helping you heal and reach your full potential. We look forward to partnering with you on your journey to wellness.